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polyphenols & longevity

Up until this point in research regarding the benefits of olive oil, all notable studies have been based out of Europe and the Mediterranean where olive oil consumption is higher. On January 10th, 2022, the first long-term observational study on olive oil consumption and related mortality based in the U.S was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The researchers from Havard's T.H Chan School of Public Health found people who consumed higher amounts of olive oil have lower risk of premature death overall and specifically reduced rates of death related to cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases compared to those with lower consumption rates. Additionally, it was found people who replaced a modest amount of animal fat with olive oil had lower all cause mortality. Over 90,000 men and women were followed over a 28 year period with interval monitoring every 4 years in regards to their olive oil consumption. Participants with the highest consumption (>7 grams daily) had a 19% lower risk of total and cardiovascular mortality, 17% lower risk of cancer mortality and 29% reduced risk of neurodegenerative mortality compared to those who never consume olive oil. Prior to this study, olive oil had been linked to lower cardiovascular disease risk, but its association with premature death was unclear. This study confirms replacing animal fats (margarine, butter, mayonnaise) with olive oil aids in the prevention of chronic diseases and premature death. Replacing 10 g (about 2 teaspoons) of animal fat with the same amount of olive oil provided between an 8-34% lower risk of total and cause-specific death. Researchers determined that as little as just over a half tablespoon per day of high polyphenol olive oil can provide these benefits. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the olive oil are likely key in protecting health and promoting longevity. Of course it is also advised to follow standard guidelines for overall nutritional health and maintain a regular exercise regimen to best capitalize of the proven benefits of this natural superfood. Easy ways to increase your daily olive oil consumption include using olive oil as a base in your salad dressings, in stir-frying, pan-frying and roasting vegetables, adding to smoothies and soups, finishing dishes with a drizzle of high quality oil over the top, and of course, taking a daily spoon of Wildbranch high polyphenol drinking oil. Cheers to health and longevity. Dr Courtney
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